Learn Vedic Math - Beginner to Advance Course in Hindi
in Vedic Maths
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Anita ji
Last Updated
16 Jun 2022
What you'll learn
इसमें बहुत सारी ऐसी टेक्निक से जो कि आपको बहुत बड़े बड़े सवालों तथा Calcution को बहुत आसानी से Step by Step Correct रूप से हल कर सकते हैं
गणित आपको एक बोरिंग सब्जेक्ट से बदलकर इंटरेस्टिंग सब्जेक्ट लगने लग जाएगी और गणित के सवालों को हल करने में आपको इंटरेस्ट आने लगेगा
आपका गणित के प्रति डर हमेशा के लिए गायब हो जाएगा जो कि आपकी आने वाली जिंदगी के लिए बहुत ही अच्छा साबित होगा
वैदिक मैथ सीखने से आपका Self Confidence बहुत ही High Level पर ले जा सकते हो.... इसके साथ ही आपका Concentration power भी Increase होगा
Vedic maths आप की Calculation Ability को बहुत फास्ट कर देगी with Accuracy..... जिससे आप बहुत बड़ी-बड़ी कैलकुलेशन बिना पेन पेपर के दिमाग में ही हल कर सकते हो
Vedic maths आपकी Problem Solving Ability को बहुत बढ़ाएगी .......जिससे आपके दिमाग में Sharpness आएगी
आप अपनी कक्षा, अपने विद्यालय या अपने दोस्तों के बीच Math magician बन जाओगे क्योंकि गणित की बड़ी-बड़ी कैलकुलेशन आप कुछ सेकंड में ही हल कर सकते हो
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Course content
58 Lessons
7:42 Hr
Basic Level
8 Lessons
1:08 Hr
0:11 Hr
Two Basic Concepts of Vedic Maths (Base and Compliment)
0:17 Hr
Any 2 Digit and 3 Digit Numbers Multiplied by 11
0:05 Hr
Any 4 Digit and 5 Digit Numbers Multiplied by 11
0:07 Hr
Any 2 digit and 3 digit numbers multiply with 111
0:07 Hr
Any 4 digit and 5 digit numbers multiply with 111
0:07 Hr
Any digit numbers multiply with 11,22,33,44,55............99
0:06 Hr
Square any no.start with unit place 5
0:06 Hr
Basic Level Pro
8 Lessons
0:51 Hr
Special Multiplication (with unit place addition 10…..
0:04 Hr
Table Writing 11 to 19 {PART-I} with Dr.Atithi Singhal Method
0:04 Hr
Table Writing 21 to 99 {PART-II} with Rainbow Method
0:05 Hr
Any Table Writing 11 to 99 {PART-III} with Amazing Method
0:08 Hr
Table Writing 9,19,29,39,49,59,69......999 with start unit place 9 {PART-IV}
0:07 Hr
Smart move (Fast multiply with 5,50,500,25,250 ....and so on )
0:05 Hr
Subtraction in One Look
0:08 Hr
Criss Cross Method
0:06 Hr
Intermediate Level
11 Lessons
1:13 Hr
Multiply with Nikhilam Sutra (Below base no.)
0:05 Hr
Multiply with Nikhilam Sutra (Above base no.)
0:03 Hr
Multiply with Nikhilam Sutra (Below & Above base no.)
0:06 Hr
Squaring Technique by Nikhilam Sutra
0:04 Hr
Magic of 9 in Multiplication { Multiply with 99,999,9999,999999, (with same digit )
0:04 Hr
Magic of 9 in Multiplication { Multiply with 99,999,9999,999999, (with 9 more digit )
0:04 Hr
Magic of 9 in Multiplication { Multiply with 99,999,9999,999999, (with 9 less digit )
0:05 Hr
2X2 Digit multiply with Tariyak Sutra
0:08 Hr
3X3 Digit Multiply with Tariyak Sutra
0:08 Hr
4X4 Digit multiply with Tariyak Sutra
0:11 Hr
5X5 Digit Multiply with Tariyak Sutra
0:10 Hr
Intermediate Level Pro
4 Lessons
0:32 Hr
Special Squaring for 11 to 19
0:05 Hr
Any Numbers Squaring for 11 to 999 .......& so on
0:10 Hr
Any No. Squaring by Duplex Methods
0:12 Hr
Squaring by Nikhilam Sutra ( Near the base no.)
0:03 Hr
Advance Level
10 Lessons
1:12 Hr
Find the Square root of Any Exact Square no.
0:10 Hr
Find the Cube by Nikhilam Sutra (Near the base No.)
0:08 Hr
Any No. Cube By YADA DUNAM METHOD (Near the Base)
0:05 Hr
0:07 Hr
Find tha Cube Root of Any Exact Cube No.
0:08 Hr
Magical Division By 9
0:07 Hr
Magical Division By 99
0:04 Hr
Magical Division of 7,11,13 {Start & Finish Same Numbers}
0:06 Hr
Divisibility Test of 7 and 19 with Formula
0:07 Hr
Divisibility Test of 13 and 17 with Formula
0:05 Hr
Advance Level Pro
6 Lessons
1:04 Hr
Division By Nikhilam Sutra (Near tha Base No.)
0:09 Hr
Any No. Division By Dhavjanang Method
0:11 Hr
Long Division in One Line
0:10 Hr
Checking your Answer with the help of D.S.(Digit Sum)
0:23 Hr
Find the Prime No. & {Prime NO. Search game} (Between 1 to 100)
0:06 Hr
Addition and Subtraction of fractions
0:03 Hr
Master Level
11 Lessons
1:39 Hr
Multiplication and Division of Fractions
0:03 Hr
Mix Fraction Solution
0:05 Hr
Comparing of Fractions
0:03 Hr
Arrange the Fraction in Ascending & Descending order
0:08 Hr
Find the HCF & LCM
0:15 Hr
Creating A Pythagorean Triplet
0:12 Hr
Learn 2022 All Calendar in just 5 minutes
0:08 Hr
Learn 2023 All Calendar in just 5 minutes
0:06 Hr
Multiplication of Algebraic Expression ...By Vedic Maths
0:10 Hr
Factorisation of Algebraic Expression ...By Vedic maths
0:15 Hr
Solution of Algebraic Linear Equation ...By vedic maths
0:11 Hr
About this course
Hi Students,
So as we all know vedic math is the new upcoming topic these days and is the easy and fun way to learn some mathematical calculations, so in this course we have complied all the topics from beginners to advance levels to help you solve all your math problems in minutes.
So Fasten your seatbelts and get ready for a fun mathematical journey!
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Wed, 19-Jul-2023.
58 Video Lessons
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Wed, 19-Jul-2023