Flutter Mobile App Development Training Course - In Hindi with Certification

in Flutter
Best Seller
(8 Ratings)
112 Students enrolled
Created by Shibaji Debnath
Hindi Beginner
Last Updated
9 Jun 2021

What you'll learn

You will be learning from basic uses of Dart Programming Language. Step by Step Learning Programming Logics, fundamentals.
You will know about SDK Setup Process.
Step by Step UI Designing Process
States Management for Data Handlings
API Service Calling and Migration with The UI
By the end of the course you will be learning about Application publish in Google Play Store.

Get certificate of completion

Course content

44 Lessons 7:19 Hr


VS Code Editor
Android SDK
Stable Internet Connection

About this course

Flutter is the most popular mobile application development framework. This language developed by Google. This frameworks developed by Dart Programming Language. This  is so much powerful and fastest Programming language. Dart programming can be used various platforms like Windows, Linux and MAC OS. Once you write your codes with the dart programming language you can serve your application for various platforms. Flutter have same power for using with dart language. But Flutter Frameworks Developed for mainly native mobile application using single code base. But Flutter Developer Teams Build So many Prebuild UI and Widgets. Which give you so much flexibility for developed faster applications. As well as you can makes your own custom ui and widgets also. So once you learn it you can makes any kind of application easily.

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  • 8 Reviews
  • 112 Students
  • 1 Courses
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44 Video Lessons

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Student reviews

Course Rating
Content quality (4.2)
Instructor skills (4.2)
Purchase worth (4.2)
Support quality (4.2)
Sun, 23-Apr-2023 NEERAJ KUMAR
Sun, 23-Apr-2023 Artistic CGI
It's difficult to understand what instructor are talking about, video is too fast, many cuts are there. person eating pan masala maybe
Sun, 26-Jun-2022 Gopakumar S
Class is super. English pronunciation is little bit problem.
Sat, 24-Jul-2021 Nilesh Chawla
Thank you sir, I want to learn how to create more apps.
Tue, 20-Jul-2021 Richa Sharma

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